Support Bird Conservation and Ecology
Back for 2025, we are selling customized Bird of the Day 2025 Calendars, printed by Shutterfly! All photos are exclusively contributed to the Tingley Lab by lab members. Each calendar contains 12 stunning photos of birds, one for each month, as well as the official Bird-of-the-Day printed in the calendar grid for every day of the year. No more looking it up online, just look at your calendar each day over breakfast!
We have been enjoying these calendars for years, but anyone can purchase them – at no added cost – through Shutterfly.
Note: we do not make any money from the sale of the calendars, all proceeds go to Shutterfly.
But while you’re here…
Consider making a deductible gift to the Tingley Lab at UCLA. We guarantee that 100% of all donations will go directly to support graduate student research, particularly the support of critical field work to study bird populations and communities in the wild.